Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Matrix Blog

The Matrix was much like the story "Allegory of the Cave", there were a lot of themes that could be compared.In the "Allegory of the Cave", a prisoner who only saw shadows his whole life was released into the world, at first he could't believe what he saw. It took time for him to realize what he saw was in fact "real". Like the prisoner, Neo had trouble believing that the world he lived in his whole life wasn't real. The film "The Matrix" was a very creative way to question an old philosophy question. What is real? It was always believed, if you can; feel, smell, touch, see then it is real. But in the Matrix, to Neo it felt real, smelled real, he saw it, but still was not "real" according to Morpheus. But if he were to die in the matrix he would still die in the "real world".Morpheus said that the body can not live with out the mind. If your mind makes it real, then why can't it not be real? The Matrix film implied that, Neo along with the rest of the world lived in a constructed world. Everyone was living a lie, they could not see the truth. In the "Allegory of the Cave" the prisoners lived in a cave chained, staring at a wall where shadows constantly moved across. That wall and shadows was their version of the matrix. After taking into account countless examples I have come with one conclusion. I feel that what ever you believe in ,is real enough. Thats all it takes in the end, belief. In order for Neo to finally accept the Matrix, he had to belive that it wasn't real. In order for the prisoner to accept what he saw when he was out the cave was real, he had to believe. The question; What is real? Doesn't really have an answer. The answer to that would have to be another question. Do you believe it's real?

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